Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults

Course content?

Course Contents • Module One: Introduction • This module looks at what the key principles of safeguarding • vulnerable adults are, giving you an overview of what is • meant by ‘safeguarding’ and who is classed as a vulnerable • adult by law. The module also looks at the famous Steven • Hoskin safeguarding case. • • Defining safeguarding • • Key principles • • Dignity • • Who is a vulnerable adult? • • Steven Hoskin • • Why is training important? • Module Two: Understanding Why Vulnerable Adults Are • at Risk • This module explains what is meant by ‘abuse’ so that you • understand more about how to recognise it. The module • outlines who is likely to be at risk from abuse and which • factors may put some adults more at risk than others. • • What is abuse? • • Who are adults abused by? • • Consent • • Factors that increase risk • • Mental capacity • Module Three: Types of Abuse • This module provides an overview of each of the main • categories of abuse, explaining the characteristics of each • one and outlining some of the key indicators and warning • signs for you to look out for. • • Categories of abuse • • Physical abuse • • Emotional/psychological abuse • • Sexual abuse • • Neglect and acts of omission • • Financial abuse • • Discriminatory abuse • • Institutional abuse • Module Four: Responding to a Disclosure • This module explains what you should do and how you • should react if a vulnerable adult brings information about • abuse to your attention. The module raises awareness of why • some adults may not tell you about abuse and details what • actions to take next. • • How a concern may come to your attention • • How to respond to a disclosure • • Why adults often don’t disclose information • • What to do next • • Whistleblowing • Module Five: Reporting Your Concerns • This module looks at the reporting procedures you should • follow when concerns about abuse have come to your • attention. The module explains why it’s so important to • pass on your concerns, detailing who to report to, what to • say and what you can do next. • • Your responsibilities • • Why some people don’t take action • • Who to report to • • What if the report isn’t taken seriously? • • What if the concerns are about a professional? • • When to report a concern • • What needs reporting? • • Check existing records • • What happens next? • • Recording information • Module Six: What Happens After a Referral • This module looks at the various steps that follow a referral • to adult social care, explaining the different decisions that • social care may make and outlining what happens next in • the safeguarding process. • • Adult social care’s decision • • What to do if you don’t agree with the decision • • Strategy discussions • • The case conference • • Protection plans • • Reviewing the plan • • Discontinuing the plan By the end of this course you will: • Understand why safeguarding vulnerable adults training is so important for everyone within your organisation. • Have an awareness of which adults are most at risk and which factors increase the likelihood of being at risk from harm. • Know more about the different categories of abuse, plus the potential warning signs associated with each type. • Understand how to respond appropriately to a disclosure from a vulnerable adult and know what to do next. • Know how to report any concerns that you may have. • Understand what happens in the safeguarding process after a referral to adult social care has been made

Minutes and Note Talking

Course content?

Minute and note taking course contents 1. What should good meeting minutes achieve? • What benefits do minutes bring to your organisation? • What sort of minutes do you need to write? • What does it all mean? – a glossary of meeting-related terms 2. Are you listening? • Six ways to listen powerfully • Six things that can break your concentration, and how to avoid them 3. Organisational hints, tips and tools for note taking and managing the meeting • Invent your own shorthand – shortcuts when note taking in longhand and a table of useful abbreviations • Note taker’s survival kit – the essentials to have at hand • Importance of pre-meeting preparation • Managing the meeting and the Chair – constructive ways to work together • Meeting timelines – what should happen when? A stress-saving checklist 4. How’s your handwriting? • What causes handwriting to be tiring or illegible? • Yes, you can blame your tools! What's the best writing implement for you? • Exercises to keep your hands limber • Exercises to help you write more legibly 5. What makes a good agenda? • What is a meeting agenda? • Setting and distributing your agenda • What to include to help you or the Chair run the meeting effectively 6. The right minutes for your meeting – layout and style • What you should and shouldn’t include – recognising facts from chatter • More formal meetings like AGMs – votes, proposers, seconders, elections, resolutions • Sample minutes for formal meetings • Minuting informal meetings • Sample minutes for an informal meeting • Recording decisions and actions • Creating an action summary 7. Techniques for writing good notes or minutes • How to word minutes – active or passive, bullets or full sentences? • Avoid wording that indicates bias • Plain Words’ rules for good writing • Making Word® work for you 8. Polishing your prose • The paragraphs, the sentences, the words • The grammar and punctuation • Proofing – how to see what’s really there • Commonly confused words • Things that make some people cross!

Effective Negotiation Skills

Course content?

Defined by as “bargaining (give and take) process between two or more parties (each with its own aims, needs, and viewpoints) seeking to discover a common ground and reach an agreement to settle a matter of mutual concern or resolve a conflict,” negotiating is a skill set which few of us hold What are the negotiation techniques? What are the tactics of negotiation? Negotiation tactics are the detailed methods employed by negotiators to gain an advantage. Tactics are often deceptive and manipulative and are used to fulfil one party's goals and objectives - often to the detriment of others. What does it mean to negotiate meaning? Negotiation of meaning is a process that speakers go through to reach a clear understanding of each other. Asking for clarification, rephrasing, and confirming what you think you have understood How do you negotiate? What skills have you learnt from the course

Who or why you should attend

Anyone who needs to negotiate sales in a business

Course Overview

A quick fire course on negotiation skills

ILM Level 3 Certificate in Leadership & Management

Course content?

Understanding Marketing for Managers 1. Understand basic marketing concepts and why they are relevant to managers. 2. Discover how to conduct a SWOT analysis in the marketing context. 3. Examine various elements of the marketing mix and consider how each is used within the context of the organisation. Understanding Costs and Budgets in an Organisation 1. Learn how to gather the information that is used to devise and also revise budgets. 2. Discover how to monitor variance between actual expenditure and budgeted expenditure. 3. Examine fixed and variable costs, and break even points. 4. Study basic cost statements and explore mechanisms that organisations can use to control their costs. Understanding leadership 1. Understand the different styles of leadership and the factors that affect the choice of leadership style. 2. Consider the qualities necessary for leadership, and reflect on your own leadership qualities and potential. Understanding the Communication Process in the Workplace 1. Examine the communication process and learn how to overcome potential barriers to effective communication. 2. Study the different types of communication. 3. Consider how non-verbal communication and feedback can impact on the effectiveness of communication. 4. Discover how to increase information awareness in the workplace. Solving problems and making decisions 1. Understand how to describe a problem, its nature, scope and impact. 2. Learn how to gather and interpret information that will let you identify possible solutions to a problem. 3. Discover how to make a decision as to the best solution. 4. Consider how to plan the implementation and communication of this decision. 5. Explore monitoring and review techniques that can be used to gauge the effectiveness of a solution. Understanding Customer Service standards and requirements 1. Discover how to identify external, internal and potential customers, and how to identify the needs of both external and internal customers. 2. Learn how to care for the customer and how to maintain customer care standards, as well as how to maintain effective customer relationships. 3. Consider the rights of customers and the responsibilities of organisations towards them. Developing Yourself and Others 1. Discover how to identify the development needs of yourself and others, as well as the learning style of yourself and others. 2. Learn how to analyse different development options. 3. Examine barriers to learning as well as how these may be overcome. 4. Explore learning support options, as well as methods of monitoring the development process. Managing Workplace Projects 1. Discover how to determine the financial viability and potential net savings of workplace projects, as well as the non-financial costs and benefits. 2. Learn effective project planning techniques. 3. Gain the skills to manage projects. 4. Discover how to monitor project performance by setting targets and objectives and employing other evaluation techniques. 5. Understanding Health and Safety in the Workplace 1. Examine legislation relating to health and safety at work. 2. Explore organisations' health and safety policies, as well as the different ways of conveying this information and providing the necessary training. 3. Discover sources of advice on health and safety issues. 4. Learn how to carry out risk assessments in the workplace, and how to prevent accidents. 5. Consider the environmental responsibility of organisations. 6. Understanding Innovation & Change in the workplace 1. Understand the benefits of change and innovation for organisations, as well as the barriers to change and how these may be overcome. 2. Examine the importance of communication in effecting change. 3. Planning and Allocating Work 1. Learn how to set SMART objectives. 2. Discover how to effectively prioritise objectives and set appropriate time scales for their achievement. 3. Understand constraining factors that could prevent you from achieving your objectives in the allotted timescale. 4. Explore techniques that can be employed in order to monitor the progress of your 5. If you're a practicing or potential first line manager who wants to take your management skills to the next level, this course is perfect for you. 6. While you don't need any formal qualifications to enrol in the ILM Level 3 Leadership and Management course, you should have at least two years full-time or three years part-time work experience. 7. You must be at least 18.

Who or why you should attend

Managers and Team Leaders

Course Overview

Quickfire Course on how to do management and be a leader.

ILM Level 3 Award in Leadership & Management

Course content?

What is leadership? - What is management? - Role reflection exercise – management or leadership tasks - The leadership role model - What kind of leader are you? - The 6 Functions of a leader - levels of authority and responsibility to deliver - The essential skills of leadership - Character traits and attitude of leadership - John Adair’s Action Centred Leadership – Task, Team, and Individual needs - Leadership Practices inventory - Knowing and developing your style of leadership - Leadership Styles - Continuum of leadership styles - Contingency Theory - Stages of Team Development and the role of the leader - Understanding and using empowerment - The role of leadership in your organisation - Your contribution to leadership - Perception of leadership - Personal action planning

Who or why you should attend

Anyone who is in a management or supervisory role. This course will help you develop your leadership style and effectiveness, examining leadership from these perspectives:

Course Overview

How your leadership impacts on the organisation as a whole. Discover how to drive the organisational vision?

Introduction to Supervisory Management

Course content?

This course is suitable for both newly appointed and existing supervisors who want to update or develop their leadership skills. The course will also sign post the learner to accredited courses should they wish to gain more formal qualifications.

Who or why you should attend

This course is suitable for both newly appointed and existing supervisors who want to update or develop their leadership skills. The course will also sign post the learner to accredited courses should they wish to gain more formal qualifications.

Course Overview

This course is suitable for both newly appointed and existing supervisors who want to update or develop their leadership skills. The course will also sign post the learner to accredited courses should they wish to gain more formal qualifications.

Train the Trainer [External Trainer]

Course content?

Introduction  Course overview  Workshop objectives Understanding Training  What is training?  What is your role?  The skills you need to be a successful trainer  How training can go wrong Styles of training  Different styles of training  Learn how to develop your own style  How to build up trust  The importance of being honest  The importance of being true to yourself Communication Skills  What is communication?  Improving questioning skills  Different ways to ask a question  Do you really listen?  Developing active listening skills About Body Language  First impressions  Key body language skills  Is your body language letting you down?  The Importance of Voice  Factors affecting the voice  Using your voice  Dealing with Difficult Participants  The ground rules  Challenges and solutions  Handling interruptions  Understand how to give and receive constructive feedback  Build effective evaluation into your training sessions

Who or why you should attend

The course is designed for all types of trainers, both new and experienced, who wish to improve their skills. Gaining a full understanding of key subject such as using appropriate learning styles, developing effective communication skills, and managing difficult situations will help with any training being delivered.

Course Overview

This one day workshop is suitable for anyone who has to deliver training on a one-to-one or group basis. It aims to equip participants with the skills to design and deliver successful and enjoyable training sessions. It offers an opportunity to gain an understanding of how people learn, and gain confidence to become an effective communicator.

Train the Trainer [In House Trainer]

Course content?

COURSE CONTENT Introduction  Course overview  Workshop objectives Understanding Training  What is training?  What is your role?  The skills you need to be a successful trainer  How training can go wrong Styles of training  Different styles of training  Learn how to develop your own style  How to build up trust  The importance of being honest  The importance of being true to yourself Communication Skills  What is communication?  Improving questioning skills  Different ways to ask a question  Do you really listen?  Developing active listening skills About Body Language  First impressions  Key body language skills  Is your body language letting you down?  The Importance of Voice  Factors affecting the voice  Using your voice  Dealing with Difficult Participants  The ground rules  Challenges and solutions  Handling interruptions  Understand how to give and receive constructive feedback  Build effective evaluation into your training sessions

Who or why you should attend

WHY ATTEND This one day workshop is suitable for anyone who has to deliver training on a one-to-one or group basis. It aims to equip participants with the skills to design and deliver successful and enjoyable training sessions. It offers an opportunity to gain an understanding of how people learn, and gain confidence to become an effective communicator. WHO SHOULD ATTEND The course is designed for all types of trainers, both new and experienced, who wish to improve their skills. Gaining a full understanding of key subject such as using appropriate learning styles, developing effective communication skills, and managing difficult situations will help with any training being delivered. COURSE CONTENT Introduction  Course overview  Workshop objectives Understanding Training  What is training?  What is your role?  The skills you need to be a successful trainer  How training can go wrong Styles of training  Different styles of training  Learn how to develop your own style  How to build up trust  The importance of being honest  The importance of being true to yourself Communication Skills  What is communication?  Improving questioning skills  Different ways to ask a question  Do you really listen?  Developing active listening skills About Body Language  First impressions  Key body language skills  Is your body language letting you down?  The Importance of Voice  Factors affecting the voice  Using your voice  Dealing with Difficult Participants  The ground rules  Challenges and solutions  Handling interruptions  Understand how to give and receive constructive feedback  Build effective evaluation into your training sessions One day course 09.30 -1700 The course is designed for all types of trainers, both new and experienced, who wish to improve their skills. Gaining a full understanding of key subject such as using appropriate learning styles, developing effective communication skills, and managing difficult situations will help with any training being delivered.

Course Overview

The course is designed for all types of trainers, both new and experienced, who wish to improve their skills. Gaining a full understanding of key subject such as using appropriate learning styles, developing effective communication skills, and managing difficult situations will help with any training being delivered.